How to contribute

Make sure you meet the requirements to use the project, first.


Install the virtualenv dependencies

To install required dependencies, use the command:

$ pipenv install --dev

This will install in your local virtualenv all the required dependencies to contribute to this project.

The --dev option allows the installation of the dev-packages dependencies.

Install build and distribution tools

  • Install latest version of required tools
pip install --user -U setuptools wheel twine

Build and upload a new version of sphinx-versions

Update the version

You need to update two different files :

  • contains the VERSION constant, used to identify the version built and uploaded to the nexus.
  • sphinxcontrib/versioning/ contains the __version__ constant, used to identify the package version.

Update the README.rst

You need to add a section in the README.rst for the newly created version (follow the pattern of other versions).

Generate package to distribute

This builds your python project and creates the dist directory (among other things).

python3 sdist bdist_wheel

Upload your package to nexus

twine upload dist/*

After this command, your package is available on Anyone can install it using pip install sphinx-versions.